Top 5 Most In-Demand Programming Languages in the World.


Almost everyone attempted to become a lawyer or an economist ten years ago. Every second person nowadays dabbles in programming. Why?

Because the need for competent programmers is increasing at an exponential rate. It's also a well-paying position.

If someone had told me two years ago that I would be doing programming in college, I would have laughed in their face, but here I am in my sophomore year, earning a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

Trust me when I say that I was far, far away from computer programming, or that 'programming isn't anything that ever attracted me.' They weren't simply my thing. However, the growing interest in programming and the increasing need for computer programming positions made me reconsider my initial enthusiasm.

Computer scientists and software developers are in high demand. The year 2020 has provided a significant boost to digital technology, as well as an increased need for developers and programmers.

Here are the numbers from the Hired report.

The average developer compensation has increased by 7–13 percent, depending on the country.

Demand for front-end and back-end developers has increased by 17%.

Demand for AR/VR and Blockchain developers has surged by 1400% and 517%, respectively.

As the demand for programmers and developers grows, so does the demand for programming languages. A programming language is the most crucial precondition for practically any field, including Web Development, Machine Learning, Data Science, and others.

But wait... Isn't there a plethora of Programming Languages available all around the world?

And don't you believe choosing a language to learn is a tough task?

Yes, with so many current programming languages, choosing which one to learn may be incredibly difficult. However, by rating these languages according to their current demands and trends, it is simple to identify the fashionable one.

Here is a list of the top 5 programming languages that will be dominant in 2021. Let's have a look at these programming languages:

#1 Python

Python has been one of the favorite languages of almost every beginner in the programming world. Python remains the most popular programming language in 2020, according to GitHub and Google Trends.

Python ranked at the #1 position in December 2020 on the PYPL index. According to the October report, over the past year, Python has become more popular among Github developers, overtaking Java.

Artur Yolchan, a Senior Software Engineer and owner of the website Coding Skills, says: “Python will probably be the most favorite programming language for developers in 2021.”

The nicest part about Python programming is that it is simple to learn while being a high-level language. It is the most popular language on the market and is known as the programming language for beginners since it is an open-source language that is simple to learn and understand.

Python is utilized by famous websites such as YouTube, Quora, Pinterest, and Instagram, as well as scientific and computational applications such as FreeCAD and Abacus. Python engineers make an annual income of around $72,500 on average.

#2 JavaScript 

Many languages have come and gone, but JavaScript is still regarded as the greatest player in the programming business. It is one of the most in-demand programming languages. In fact, it is regarded as the Internet's standard programming language. Almost everything you see on the Internet is built on JavaScript. With web development expected to grow in 2021, it's an excellent one to study.

JavaScript is the most popular language among developers, according to a Stack Overflow study.

JavaScript is used as a programming language by organizations such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Uber.

The main reason is that there are countless professionals all around the world. Nowadays, finding a JS developer is a lot easier than finding one for Go or Kotlin.

Millions of websites on the internet rely heavily on JavaScript and based on the language's consistent and rising demand, it is safe to predict that JavaScript will continue to reign supreme in 2021!

#3 C / C++ 

C/C++ are like vintage wine in that their demand grows exponentially over time!

C is the most widely used programming language and provides the foundation for other programming languages such as C#, Java, and JavaScript. C++ is a more advanced variant of C.

C and C++ were both listed among the top five programming languages in the TIOBE 2020 index, at first and fourth place, respectively.

According to the PYPL Popularity of Programming Language Ranking, which is calculated by measuring how frequently language lessons are searched on Google, C/C++ is ranked sixth in the Worldwide March 2020 index.

Many large technology organizations, such as Adobe, Oracle, and Microsoft, employ C/C++ professionals with competitive pay packages. As a result, they are frequently employed in the development of high-performance applications, commercial products such as Firefox and Adobe, and video games. C and C++ engineers make an annual salary of $76,500 on average.

#4 Java

You may believe that JAVA is losing its allure, and at times this may appear to be the case. And this is where you are mistaken...

When you look at the real statistics, JAVA is one of the top-ranked languages every year, proving that the language is still in high demand in the computer sector.

With over 8 million JAVA developers worldwide, it is one of the most popular and in-demand programming languages. According to TIOBE and PYPL rating studies, Java is ranked second among all programming languages.

Because technology is growing at such a rapid pace, there are several upcoming career prospects, and Java developers are in high demand.

The Java programming language, which already has a large user base, continues to generate a large number of employment in the technology industry.

Java is used as a backend language by several famous websites, including Amazon, Google, YouTube, and Twitter. Every year, the average Java developer earns roughly $79,000.

#5 Kotlin

When it comes to Android app creation nowadays, the term 'Kotlin' unquestionably comes first!

Kotlin is an open-source programming language that is sometimes marketed as a substitute for Java; it is also a "first-class" language for Android development, according to Google.

According to a Stack Overflow study, Kotlin is the fourth most popular programming language. Kotlin is currently the second most popular programming language on the JVM, according to the annual JVM survey.

According to Hired, Kotlin is one of the top five programming languages in the world.

Furthermore, the number of Kotlin users in the Github community is rapidly increasing. KOTLIN, a freshly released programming language, has found use in several large firms such as Coursera, Uber, Pinterest, and Post Mates.

Because of the rising need for Android development, it's not incorrect to argue that Kotlin isn't going away anytime soon, but rather gaining more developers.

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