GitHub - What is GitHub? | How to use this?


👋 Introduction

👉 GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. This tutorial teaches you GitHub essentials like repositories, branches, commits, and Pull Requests. You’ll create your own Hello World repository and learn GitHub’s Pull Request workflow, a popular way to create and review code. No coding necessary.

🎯 What is Github?

➡ GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development projects that use the Git revision control system. GitHub offers both paid plans for private repositories and free accounts for open-source projects.

➡ The most basic way of understanding GitHub is by thinking of it as a "repository" where you can store your code. A repository is like a file cabinet where you keep all your important documents in one place. If you want to share those documents with other people, you can also make them public so that anyone can look at them or even download them from anywhere on earth (or in space).

⏺ What is a Repository?

▶ A Repository is a collection of files and data in a central location. A repository is where you can store your code, and share it with other people. GitHub is one place where you can store your code and share it with other people.

🔊 How to create a repository in GitHub?

  1. 👉 Create a GitHub account.

  2. 👉 Navigate to the GitHub website and click the New Repository button on top-right corner of the page, or you can also go through,

   2. Fill out the repository name. 
   3. hit Next then choose your language (GitHub supports several programming languages such as C++, Python, Ruby and etc.)
   4. Then give it a description (optional).
   5. Finally click Create Repository button.
   6. You will see your newly created repository.

💥 How to clone a Repository to you local storage?

👍 To clone a repository to your local storage:

  • Open the GitHub website and find the repository you want to clone.

  • Click the Clone or download button on this page, which appears next to the green Download ZIP button.

  • Choose your preferred location for storing this project locally (e.g., your desktop).

✨ What is commit?

✅ A commit is an atomic unit of changeset. When you make a commit, your repository records the set of files that have changed since the last time you committed. The changes are grouped under a single SHA-1 hash code and recorded in a repository log file. You can view this file by running git log --online. This will display any commits made locally on your machine or in your repository as well as link to each individual commit by displaying its unique SHA-1 hash code for each commit entry listed below it:

🔰 How do I commit a file in GitHub?

➡ To commit a file, you must first open the file you want to commit in your editor and then click on the commit button.

➡ You will see a message box asking you to type a message to describe this change. Type your message and then click on Commit & Push again.

🔴 How to Push your code back to the online repository?

✔ Once you have your code, you can push your code back to the online repository by using the following command:

- git push

✔ This will create a remote copy of your repository on the online location and add it to your local repository as well.

🔶 How to collaborate with others in GitHub?

↗ Collaboration is one of the key features of GitHub. You can work with others on the same codebase, or use a public repository to share your code with others.

↗ If you are working on a project for school or for work, you may want to invite programmers from other institutions to collaborate with you on it.

# Github is an online platform for developers and other people who wants to share their codes.

👉 Github is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git. It offers all of the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git as well as adding its own features.

👉 GitHub offers both commercial plans and free accounts, which are often used to host open-source software projects. As of June 2019, GitHub reported having more than 28 million users and 57 million repositories (repos) hosted on its platform.

🔥 Conclusion

🚀 We have discussed about what is GitHub and how does it work. Hope you get some idea about GitHub and its uses. Feel free to comment below in case of any doubt or query. Have a great day!

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